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Section: New Software and Platforms


Participants : Adrien Guatto, Marc Pouzet [contact] .

Synchronous languages, compilation, optimizing compilation, parallel code generation, behavioral synthesis.

With Cédric Pasteur, Léonard Gérard, and Brice Gelineau.

Heptagon is an experimental language for the implementation of embedded real-time reactive systems. It is developed inside the Synchronics large-scale initiative, in collaboration with Inria Rhones-Alpes. It is essentially a subset of Lucid Synchrone, without type inference, type polymorphism and higher-order. It is thus a Lustre-like language extended with hierchical automata in a form very close to SCADE 6. The intention for making this new language and compiler is to develop new aggressive optimization techniques for sequential C code and compilation methods for generating parallel code for different platforms. This explains much of the simplifications we have made in order to ease the development of compilation techniques.

Some extensions have already been made, most notably automata, a parallel code generator with Futures, support for correct and efficient in-place array computations. It's currently used to experiment with linear typing for arrays and also to introduce a concept of asynchronous parallel computations. The compiler developed in our team generates C, C++, java and VHDL code.

Transfer activities based on our experience in Heptagon are taking place through the “Fiabilité and Sûreté de Fonctionnement” project at IRT SystemX, led by Alstom Transport, since 2013.

Heptagon is jointly developed with Gwenael Delaval and Alain Girault from the Inria POP ART team (Grenoble). Gwenael Delaval is developing the controller synthesis tool BZR ( ) above Heptagon. Both software are distributed under a GPL licence.